Scott Boyd: Loud and Proud!

I wanted to become a part of the long and proud bagpipe band history in my town after I had attended a few Tartan Balls and Highland Flings in my community. I loved what the sound of the bagpipes did for me specifically. They stirred my soul. I want to make music and inspire others and help to keep our local band history alive for generations to come.

As a beginning piper, I was so excited and enthused when my new set arrived in the Fall 2018. I wanted to make music. I don't want to be average and patience was probably my biggest struggle with learning the bagpipes. I also wanted to play in the local band in my hometown and develop the competency and confidence to play at memorials and weddings as well.

At times during our lives we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. This can severely limit progress and enthusiasm, especially so with the bagpipes. In terms of how thoughts can limit progress, this includes memorization of music, understanding rhythm, and performance anxiety.

I often think, "I wish I had learned bagpipes growing up." Bagpipes are great teachers with many important life-lessons available if you are willing to listen and learn. On the social level, the bagpiping community is so inspirational to me. I am overall a better person: happier, more dedicated, and disciplined as a result of my short bagpipe journey. I hope I am a good example to others in my personal and professional life. Bagpiping has made an impact!

I had a local instructor, but I wanted more. I took the Dojo University Orientation course and decided I'd try the Premium membership for 90 days. I felt I had everything to gain, and nothing to lose for the price of time and money. I have to admit, I was a little timid and skeptical about the idea of distance learning on the pipes. However, I found the Dojo to be an inspiring community from which to learn bagpiping. The Dojo Community is engaging, dynamic, enthusiastic, and caring. The instructors and members truly want me to learn the pipes and they tirelessly invest in my development.

I have an objective language to diagnose and understand fundamental targets and ideals. The curriculum and pedagogy developed at the Dojo meet each bagpiper where they are and provide each bagpiper with the necessary feedback to make gains. The Dojo wants me to make incremental gains everyday to inch closer to the ideal. That's exciting in my opinion! I now have a better understanding of what I can do to make my bagpipes efficient. I am much more in control of my bagpipes rather than allowing my bagpipes don't control me.

Tuning can be very frustrating, but at the Dojo we learn why we do what we do and how that impacts our instrument. That is one step closer to bagpipe freedom. We learn the science of bagpipe sound and the Dojo demystifies much of it by helping players think logically. I have also taken courses at the Dojo that have really improved my ability to learn tunes quickly and more easily. I am so thankful for this, because now I can concentrate on other important matters.

I am so thankful to the DOJO. It is clear to me that you truly care about "Making Bagpipes an extension of yourself". I did the 100 day Dojo Bagpipe Challenge. I am so happy I did that during Covid-19. I actually did it for 365 days and I am so pleased with my progress. Thank you!

Scott B from Erie Pennsylvania

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